sábado, 12 de abril de 2008

The wedding

Mercedes Pérez González.
English project, the wedding

The wedding

There are two types of weddings, for the church and civil (the court).
Both share the act of transforming the civil situation of two single persons in marriage.

The rights that the future spouses will take, are the same by one method or the other one.

The weddings have evolved very much in the last years. They do not look alike in anything the weddings that were celebrated 40 years ago, of those celebrated at present. If we look at the wedding photos, we will see the enormous change.

One of the more valuable changes is the number of weddings that are celebrated by the court or civil, they have increased considerably, before the couples were marrying all by the church, and those who were marrying by the civil way were very small.

An other one of the changes I find it in the age of the future spouses, the boyfriends years ago were marrying much younger than they do now. It is strange to see boyfriends and girlfriends(fiancées) who marry now before 29-30 years, while 30 years behind the couples rarely were marrying after the 25. This so significant change, it is due to in good part for the evolution of the society. The young men leave the house of the parents much later than our parents did. To have young children slightly important age for them, whereas nowadays it is something less important and they give priority to other things, as a good job or to pay a mortgage.

But there are other things that have not changed, such as the preparations of the wedding, which must be given with several months of advance.

The first thing is to do the list of weddings, to put I agree it in the persons that they are going to be present at the link (normally the weddings for the court or civil are less numerous than they it are the weddings for the church).

Knowing the people who are going to invite the boyfriends and this respective families, they entrust the invitations of wedding in a press. The bride and groom must distribute them several months before the wedding link, in order for the guests confirm his assistance.

The celebration of the civil ceremony and the food after there is done in the same place, which is not the tradition in the religious weddings.

Once you have the restaurant, the preparations begin of the bride and groom and relatives of the same ones.

The wedding grown of the girlfriend(fiancée), slightly really complicated, for which apart from being expensive, they have thousand models to choose, you have the option to go to specializing shops, or choose for designers, which makes invoices increase considerably.

To weeding grown it is necessary to add the hairdresser's shop, the tests(proofs) of hairdo and makeup, facial, and corporal treatments, without forgetting shoes and other complements, on which you are going to put on this day alone.

The tradition says that something new one must take (the garment), a little given (some family jewel), slightly blue (it is in the habit of being the league), and slightly old (that is in the habit of changing) this is done for that it(she) brings luck and is given so much in weddings by the court as(like) by the church.

To the expenses of the bride and groom is added by those of the family, the godfather who is normally the father of the fiancée, and the godmother who is the mother of the boyfriend (this can change), the brothers and sisters of the boyfriends who always want to go impeccable for that it is a special day, sisters-in-law, cousins, uncles, grandparents ….

It is a tradition that the godmothers give to the invited ones some present that serves to remember this date (jewelers, ranges picture cards of porcelain …) and cigarettes, candies are given to the children, and the men are given cigars. To the spinsters there is lit a pin, which is convenient not to lose, for that if they will not be the following ones in marrying, or they were beginning boyfriend. Also they are traditions.

After having everything prepared for the great day, there comes the bachelor - spinster's farewell that the friends prepare, years ago it was celebrated the day before the wedding, but now one week ago before. It is a way of assuring that the boyfriends should appear in the

The farewell is one of the best moments of everything what makes a detour to the wedding, is a weekend of holiday(party) surrounded with all the friends and relatives who you care about the most, they are moments of laughster and recollections.

An other one of the things that is necessary to prepare before the wedding, but that is carried out later is the honeymoon or bride and groom trip. It is a trip

That the grooms realize. The destinations(destinies) are changed according to the tastes and the money that they have. What has become fashionable in the last years they are paradisiacal destinies and cruises.

After several months of nerves for everything that a wedding, it is the moment to relax.

The great day comes, the wedding can be in the morning or in the evening, something that also has changed. The weddings years ago always were in the morning, whereas of a few years for here they predominate over the weddings in the evening.

Everything must be perfect, the radiant boyfriends, the prepared car, (it does not cost (is not worth) any car must be one of high range and court or church must be decorated by flowers and wedding adornments), impeccable godfather and godmother, conditioned for the great day, guests placed in this places, and getting ready ordering the bride and groom appear and the marriage(couple) is carried out for the one that they take months doing preparations.

After the wedding and before the banquet, this session of photos, which is in the habit of being done in parks, gardens and emblematic sites(places), and the video.
the grooms passes to the lounge where the banquet is going to be celebrated, and where they make the cocktail first to do time to which the bride and groom come, and later 7-8 plates of food.

The dessert comes marked by the great wedding tart, which the boyfriends cut, and is one of the nicest moments. As soon as they all have stopped eating, one proceeds to the wedding dance, before always it was a Waltz, now it is any song that is romantic and that the bride and groom have chosen for being a song that is special. And finally the party, music and drink comes for all.

All the effort of several months ends, in the moment in which the last guest goes away and the boyfriends they depart destiny to his boyfriends' trip, with the satisfaction of which everything has gone out well.

But another one of the big changes that our society has experienced, is that after all these months of distress the been afraid divorce, the marriage appears for the whole life that our mothers and grandmothers had, has gone on to the history and many of the couples who marry end up yetting divorced, turning a cloud of smoke on all these moments of happiness and emotion that they led them to marrying.